Lucette and Violet's World

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Pics

Spring! We have had some visitors lately. Aunt Jill came out this Spring and it was nice to see her again. Lucette and I has the pleasure of flying out to Cincinnati for Maggie Pelfry's (Theders) wedding in early April. She was a beautiful bride and it was great to see old friends and family. Lucette was the best travel partner and was so happy to hang with grammy, Aunt Mandy and Pap Pap. Lucette danced liked an animal and is getting ready for Aunt Emily's wedding.
Sad, but I have lost my camera. For all that know me, this is major. I have turned this house inside out and still can't find it. I am hoping for a miracle, and if that doesn't occur, I will bite the bullet and go find one on sale. I have to do my part to stimulate the economy, right? So lots has happened. We had a crazy spring with lots of snowstorms. For two weekends in late March and April, we were snowed in! It was wild. The girls found it fun to put on all their gear and go out in the snow. Vi's feet are so small that we did the old school wrap in plastic bags to keep her dry. They also went sledding and Violet is fearless. Lucette is the best big sister and did attempt to pull her back up the hill. In between snowstorms was Easter. The girls looked cute, sorry folks no pictures. They are on the camera. we had a great day with Easter egg hunts inside and out (and then it snowed that afternoon). Lucette was very inspired and loved dying the eggs, finding them, and the candy she found in her basket. Violet started to understand, pick-up basket and then fill, late in the game. It was super cute. At church, we ended up in the cry room, not because our kids cry, but because they were bored, and Violet grunts like a wild beast when restrained. It was a nice Easter filled with family fun. Lucette was also in her first play. She was sparkles the fairy princess and it was a riot. After the play their was cake and candles. We sang for your a jolly good actor! She was wonderful and we were really proud. Happy Spring to all! Oh and somewhere in there, I turned 35!!! Yikes! say it isn't so! I feel 25 (most days).