Lucette and Violet's World

Sunday, February 17, 2008

When is winter over

My First time Ice Skating

Filling out!

My Model Pose


Violet is smiling at all of us and making cooing sounds. She is really amazingly strong and has rolled from her stomach to her back and from her back to her side. Some nights she sleeps well mommy says and some nights she doesn't. We had an amazing Valentine's day and felt the love from far and wide! I got an amazing chef alfit for my kitchen and a thoughtful candy card. Enjoy the latest pics. I think Violet looks like me!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Violet 6 weeks

Monday, February 04, 2008

Violet 1 Month
Violet and her daddy!

Lucette at the BRC

Violet 1 month Lucette 27 months

Violet is such a good baby. She is sleeping so well. She weighed in at 8lbs. 8 oz. (her big sister’s birth weight) and grew 1.5 inches. She is 25% in weight and height but 75% head size. She loves taking baths and is practically holding her head up on her own. Mommy and daddy can’t believe how strong she is. She loves to swing in the swing and her eyes get real big when Lucette comes around. Lucette is still playing soccer and continues to excel in music and art. She is into play dates and going to the climbing gym. She loves Violet~but at times is aggressively loving! She got accepted into preschool and can’t wait to start this September. Her favorite movie this month is Shrek and she is reciting her ABCs, counting to 20 and learning the days of the week!