Lucette and Violet's World

Thursday, April 27, 2006

6 1/2 months

I am 6 months 3 weeks old and I have started crawling using my hands!!! I can't wait to explore the world from 8 inches off the ground. I am splashing in the bathtub and lately my favorite food is bananas rice and plums blended together to form scumptious mush! I can swim around the pool in my floatie device...I laugh and laugh as mommy chases me around the pool.

Daddy and Me!! Biggie Legs!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


My two bottom teeth have popped through!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Lucette 6 Months

Hi! 6 months is a fun age. I laugh, coo, and sit up strong by myself. The weather has become increasingly warm and I have spent a lot of time outside. I am 25 1/2 inches long, 15 lbs. 15 oz, and my head size is in the 70th percentile! I'm a big chubby girl and my parents can't give me enough squeezes. I have started what I call head crawling. I can move forward and backward. It is hard to get moving so I just throw my head down and use it to leverage across the floor. Ouch! The rug burn on my chin explains my determination to crawl at an early age! This month has been a little sad for me because my mommy had to go back to work full-time until June 1st (hooray for the pool!), and then she will be with me lots more! So April and May are going to be hard and busy for my parents! We have a family vacation planned for Mommy's 1st Mother's Day weekend. Daddy is taking us to Moab and between his new job and mommy's work we really need the weekend getaway! Can't wait! My grandma is watching me for a short time while my mom transitions back to work. She keeps me busy with books, cradle roll, tummy time and lots of walks with Raven. We have had a blast! I got to sit on the Easter bunny's lap and he was furry! This morning for Easter we went to church. They had a rock band and my friend Ally went with us. Well-until next time have fun and keep cool out there!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring Weekend Fun!

Raven and Me- enjoying being outside!

Mommy's Birthday
Aunt Jess, Mommy and Me!
Mommy and Me!
Tuckered out from the long hike

Auntie Mo, Auntie Jess, Tika, Mommy and me in the Flatirons