Lucette and Violet's World

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa

Violet 6 1/2 Months

Violet 6 Months and Lucette's Summer Fun!

Violet got 2 teeth when she was 5 months old (early!), she hasn't been too fussy and continues to love sleeping and watching her big sister. She started sitting up right a 6 months and topples over quite a bit. Violet's 6 month stats are: Height 25 1/2 (45%), Weight 16lbs 11 oz (65%) and head size 45 cm (95%). Grammy came to help mommy transition back to work and they had a great time. They visisted the butterfly pavilion and the aquarium. Grandma and Grandpa LeMaire came into town and we had a blast. We did lots of swimming and went to Violet's first baseball game! Go Rockies! Lucette thought the game was the best. She has been enjoying summer camp and loves her teachers, friends and field trips! Lucette is asking lots of questions and her vocabulary continues to grow. We are doing wonderful with potty training and swimming in the pool! What a great summer!