Lucette and Violet's World

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Hello World!

Rehearsal Dinner

Beautiful Jekyll Island
Mommy and Me!

All dolled up for the wedding!

Grandma and Grandpa's House

Grandpa and Me!

Sitting in my highchair

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lucette 5 1/2 Months First............

This month has been full of lots of Firsts for me! I realize what a big world this is and every experience is a First. I did some extrodinary things this month and they truly impacted my life! Planes trains and automobiles was the theme for my adventures. I am teething and love to put anything in my mouth. I had my First peas and carrots this month. I am sitting in my highchair to eat my food and my Grandma gave my mama some good tips to help everyone out with feeding! I took my First plane ride this month and sat in First class. My mommy and I took 8 flights in a week and had a blast! We traveled to my Grandma and Grandpa Caldwells and laughed all week long. My Grandpa is sooo funny. He even changes my diapers. My grandma gave me lots of massages and kisses! I got to meet lots of her friends who knew so much about me? I saw the ocean for the First time. I got my First pedicure. I went to my First wedding (Matt and Bryn Cross) and met my extended family. Lots of aunts, uncles, cousins and 2nd cousins. I shared a big bed with Mommy and Auntie Em. I had a playmate at the wedding who was 2 weeks my junior, Grant Everett is my mommy's cousin Brian's son. He is named after my Grandma's dad. I got to pet a horse for the First time and took a carriage ride with Aunt Mandy and Uncle Ben. I can add some more states to my list of travels, Illinois, Virginia, Georgia and Florida. For the First time this month I am sitting up on my own. My interests include shadows, giggling, books, and fans. I love playing with my toys and I smile at anyone who walks by. I am enjoying jogging in my stroller with mommy and daddy. I missed my daddy during my travels and I am happy to be back in my regular routine.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

My First Vacation and Climbing Trip

My first long car ride was eventful. I did a remarkable job and I had a lot of fun spending time with my mom and dad. We played with lots of toys and we sang songs all the way to El Paso and back. We had an overnight stay in Trinidad and Santa Fe. I loved being outside in the warm weather and hiking all around beautiful Hueco Tanks Park. On my mommy and daddy's rest day we ventured to the zoo. I enjoyed the birds and the fish because I could see them moving all around. Raven went on our trip and I love to watch her wag her tail and her body! She makes me laugh. I have been laughing all the time and I even rolled over from my back to my stomach and my stomach to my back! I am continuing to squeal as my form of talking and I use my voice all the time.