Lucette and Violet's World

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My Likes and Dislikes August 2007

10 things I love right now:
1. Hearing Grammy's voice on the phone
2. Animals at the zoo, in books, or in my backyard
3. Swimming in the big pool
4. Transportation (buses, trucks, planes,helicopters)
5. Playing at the park (especially swinging)
6. Soccer tots- can't get enough
7. Cartoons "toons" and cuddling in the morning
8. Taking showers and lining my toys up-pretending they are mommys and daddys
9. Playing with my friends, Lauren, Iona, Slater, Riley, Piper, Sasha, and lots more!
10. Having a tea party& strolling my baby dolls

10 things I don't like right now
1. not being included in a conversation
2. when my hands are dirty
3. when my food doesn't arrive infront of me-RIGHT NOW!
4. when I can't carry 5 stuff animals with me everywhere I go
5. when my clothes are too tight around my wrists
6. when I poop my pants and then have to get changed
7. having sunscreen applied & sand in my eyes
8. long car rides
9. slides
10. having to leave a toy store

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Summer 2007 Photos

Summer 2007

This has been the busiest summer. We have been traveling quite a bit and I know mommy and I are ready to slow down and be homebodies for a while. I am expecting my new brother or sister December 26th! We are slowly getting ready and starting an addition on the house! I volunteered to share my room, but I understand babies cry and I need my sleep too! Mommy had an important meeting last week- so my grammy came in to watch over me. We have such a blast and do all sorts of new things. She has me on the go and we do lots of shopping! Daddy had to travel to Vegas for an important leadership work function. He graduated from DU and I am very proud. Pap Pap came in for the weekend and took me to the Boulder county fair. I saw my first rodeo and rode a pony for the first time. I started soccer last week and I love it. Daddy and i practice in the evenings- but I am having trouble not using my hands. Perhaps I will be a goalie or do amazing throw-ins! I have had such a great summer and I hope you have too!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pawley's Island 2007 Pictures

Pawley's 2007
Having fun at the Hammock Shops!

Pawley's Island 2007

We had a fabulous time in Pawley's this year. We stayed in one of the oldest houses on the Island with 16 of my family members. I got to meet and reaquaint with other cousins, aunts and uncles staying down the road as well. I was the youngest person around which meant lots of attention and spoiling. Mommy manged to not let me get a sunburn and daddy and I took long walks on the beach in the morning. I wasn't too crazy about the sand, but I loved the hammock and hanging with my cousin Mallory. We went to the hobcraw touch tank museum and aquarium in Charleston one day. I loved watching mommy and daddy in the bochi ball and Texas hold'em tournamnets. South Carolina was beautiful and the sunsets on the dock were amazing. Vacation went by way too fast!