Lucette and Violet's World

Sunday, May 14, 2006

7 Month Pictures!

Swimming out back!
Mother's Day Love!
Wearing Mommy's Mother's Day Tiara!

Spring Fun!
My first day of Shorts!
Mommy and me in Eldo

Picnic in Eldorado Canyon. Daddy I'm hungry now!

7 Months!

Crawling in my room!
The weather is beautiful in Boulder. We are enjoying the outdoors, taking walks, swimming, playing in the grass, and swinging on the swings! My personality is shining through and I smile and laugh more than ever. I have two teeth and more trying to break in. I am full on crawling and have been since 6 1/2 months! I can balance on one hand and pick up a toy and then keep on crawling. Sometimes I crawl for a little bit and then I put myself in sitting position and then play for a while. Right now I love to play with my band in a bucket and my monkey that scoots around the floor and sings songs! I am sitting up in high chairs at restaurants and I enjoy being part of the conversation. I scream at the top of my lungs and say parents are not sure if it is MaMa but they sure hope so. I am able to crawl over to any raised object and put my hands up on it and attempt to pull myself into a standing position. Sometimes I succeed. I can maneuver my car through all the doorways and love playing peek a boo!