Lucette and Violet's World

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Violet is 1 Pictures!

Yea! I'm 1!

The Cinci crew, Lexie, Christian, Sam, Jimmy with the girls

Lucette Loved Violet's Party

This is how you do it!

Violet is 1

Violet had an incredible birthday party. Grammy and Pap Pap arranged to have the party at the Good Zoo in Oglebay Park, West Virginia. We had pizza, cupcakes, live entertainment, a laser light show and lots of guests! The whole Theders crew came in from Cincinnatti and Mallory, Carlie, Olivia, and Tyler (cousins) joined in the fun. We are not sure if Violet really "got it", but we were all happy to celebrate with her! The zoo handler brought in a snake, ferret, and a porcupine for the kids to touch. It was lots of fun! Thanks mom and dad!
Everett, Violet and Grammy Christmas Eve
The Girls on Christmas Eve

Christmas in Oglebay Park

We spent Christmas in a cabin in Oglebay park, West Virginia. The girls loved being aroung lots of family and finally meeting some extended family and spending time with Everett. It was Everett's and Violet's first Christmas and we were so happy to be with everyone. Mom had a huge party for Dad and Grnadma's birthdays. Lots of aunts, uncles, cousins and fun were had by everyone! I asked Lucette Christmas morning if she thought Santa had come, and she replied, "Not yet, I'm tired!" Thats my sleeper for ya, let me get my zzz'z before my gifts. She was most impressed by her princess alfit and dancing shoes. Despite the cold weather, this was her attire most of the day. Everyone blessed our little girls with so many generous, thoughtful and creative gifts. Violet awoke at 9:30am and enjoyed her sesame street imspired Christmas. Everett got a car he could ride around on, and plays liek such a boy! We got to spend Christmas with our future Uncle Matt, and are increasingly impressed by what a great guy and addition to our family he is! Thanks to all for a very special and memorable Christmas!

December Update

Violet sounds just like a muppet when she speaks. She has taken some steps. 2 days after her first birthday. She is now full fledge walking and enjoying her new mobility. Lucette has become Violet’s teacher and entertainer. Lucette said something funny to her the other day. She said, “Violet you are a baby, I am a kid and mommy is a people!” Lucette loves to play dress-up, princess and fairy. She changes her clothes at least 6 times a day, and has added extra laundry for mommy! Arrggghhhh! It is fun to see the alfits she comes up with. She is enjoying being back at school. Will is working with her on her shapes, spelling her name, recognizing letters, and holding up fingers for numbers. She is a joy to be around, and we finally have the potty thing under control. Lucette is busy on her no school days with music, soccer and gymnastics. Violet is in a music class and has such rhythm. We are having a blast with a little cabin fever and looking for some evening things to do, mall walking and swimming? Any ideas bring them my way!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Thanksgiving Pictures

Lucete Rock Climbing
Lucette and Daddy

Violet and Mommy Hiking

Thanksgiving 2008!

We had a very relaxing Thanksgiving. Lots of quality family time, good food, and a great hike in the Rocky Mountains. Violet is busy traversing all the furniture and trying to say things. She loves to point at objects, people, and ask." This?", "What's This?" It is very cute. She enjoys playing with big sister Lucette. No traveling for us this Thanksgiving! Gearing up for Christmas travels. We had a community sandwich dinner with Lucette's classmates and their families. It was very nice.

Halloween Pictures

Lucette as a "Scary Fairy!"

Halloween 2008

Yea! Mommy's Favorite holiday. Halloween was great! Lucette went as a scary fairy and Violet was a skunk. We went Trick or Treating at the ideal market shopping center and then to our old neighborhood. The girls got lots of candy and then the "switch witch" exchanged it for a magic wand. Daddy went to work as a devil and had to speak in front of 150 people. Being the devil that he is, he felt very comfortable with his costume!